By Prince Wilson..
Understanding Grace and
Understanding Grace and Gifts.
We all won’t be millionaires. We all won’t
own big businesses and corporations. We
all won’t start big churches and ministries.
To think so is to live in delusion. To teach
it is to perpetrate a lie. Unfortunately many
people have been sold that lie and try to
live it with great frustration.
The media plays on human greed by telling

us stories about super successful people,
stirring desire for money and achievement
in us. However, the truth is that no matter
how much we long for such success, if we
don’t have the grace and gift combination
to attract that level of success, we won’t
have it. It is that simple. Whoever tells you
that God wants us all to be millionaires is
telling you a lie. It is just as erroneous as
saying that giving of money to a church or
ministry will make you rich. Yes, it makes
someone rich, but it is definitely not you
doing the giving; it is probably those doing
the collecting. If you want to attract money
in your life, do what normal people do:
work for and invest for it.
We are designed to function according to
the grace, gifts and purpose on our lives.
Not everyone has the grace to build a
world class company. Some people will
work in and for some of those world class
companies. Not everyone has the grace to
start and build a ministry. It is important
that we learn to function in the place of
our purpose, grace and gifting if we want
to be fulfilled.
Many things can be learned, but some
things are simply the result of applying
ourselves to the unique combination of
grace and gifts we possess.
Grace is more than unmerited favour. It is
divine enablement or ability at work in our
lives to help us manifest our divine
purpose. Grace creates an enabling
atmosphere or environment in our lives to
help us fulfill our purpose.
The grace, enablement or favour in our
lives brings us into, or creates for us
unique situations which help us fulfill our
Grace unlocks doors and grants us access
to people, places, events, and unique
situations which align us with our divine
purpose. Grace attracts into our lives the
necessary human, intellectual, financial,
social and spiritual resources required to
fulfill our purpose. Grace makes certain
people love us for absolutely no reason
and want to dedicate their lives to our
cause. Grace also makes certain people
stay away from or reject us when they
perceive that we are not moving in the
direction of their desire.
Grace distinguishes us. It gives us a
distinct voice and presence, which makes
us relevant in the market place of life.
Grace brands us.
The word ‘brand’ is used in cattle rearing.
A mark is burned into cattle with a hot
iron, so that the owner can distinguish his
herd from other cattle. This distinct mark
makes the cattle instantly recognizable
wherever it is. In the same way, the grace
of God on your life marks you out in the
arena of life.
Grace makes you hear what others don’t
hear. It makes you see what others don’t
see. It makes you perceive what others
don’t perceive. Grace makes you hear, see,
feel and perceive life in a totally different
way from others. When you hear, see, feel
and perceive differently, you will live
Paul said, ‘By the grace of God, I am what I
am.’ 1 Corinthians 15:10. This simply
meant that the majority of his life
experiences were unique to him because of
the grace he carried. Unless you possess
similar kind of grace on your life, you
won’t experience what he experienced. You
may desire to have his experiences but you
won’t, simply because you have no grace
for it.
Grace moulds you. Paul said, ‘By the grace
of God, I am what I am.’ He was basically
saying this: ‘I cannot be anything else, I
cannot be anyone else, I cannot manifest
like anyone else. The grace and gift of God
on my life shapes and determines my
manifestations and experiences.’ Grace
sort of ‘forces’ your life to go in a
particular direction. It makes you who you
are. Trying to be someone else is futile and
will lead to frustration and failure. The
secret to peace and success is to function
in the area of your grace and gifts. People
struggle simply because they try to
function in an area in which they have no
grace or gift. Unproductive struggle is a
sign that you are out of sync with divinity.
When we walk our path, we manifest
Grace enables you to live a life distinctly
different from those around you. When
people see or hear you, they instantly
recognize the grace you carry. The grace
on your life cannot be hidden. The Bible
says in Matthew 7:16, that by their fruit, or
manifestation or results you shall
recognize them.

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