BY Prince Wilson... It is true that the purpose of an electric
bulb is to shine light but a bulb can only shine when it is connected to its source which is electricity. Also, man can only function effectively when he is connected
to his source (God). From the day you were conceived in your mother’s belly, you had already been
connected to your source (God) to become a part of this world and to prosper and replenish the earth. My focus here is, if man is connected to his source (God) who said “He has plans for us, plans not of evil
but of good” why then do many of us
struggle with life?

What is happening to many of us is exactly what happens to someone who buys a new sophisticated
mobile phone that he has not used before and begins to use it without reading through the manufacturer’s manual attached to the phone. Obviously, the person will struggle with the phone and I tell you, no matter how clever the person is and no matter how long he tries to study
the phone, he will not know everything about the phone unless he consults the
manufacturer’s manual. It was Myles Munroe who said “when purpose is not known, abuse becomes
inevitable.” So, Should eagles go to swimming school? Let me also ask: should fishes go to football school? Well, you will find out soon if you follow me throughout this article. Who are the fishes and who are the eagles? Where should fishes live and where should eagles live? These two examples all live in
different environments and all do well where they live but then, if you want to
know how lazy a fish is, take it out of its habitat (water) and if you want to kill an eagle, take it into water. The examples in this article are simply referring to man and
the habitats are the various human talents and skills that are innate in man.
Fishes were naturally created to swim and live in water and we cannot do anything to
change that as well as the eagles which were created to fly and soar in the sky. Any
time we try to change this natural plan, we only frustrate or kill the animal. I am not
trying to say you are an eagle or a fish but my point here is that, everyone human
including you has a particular gift right
inside of him that is uniquely given by God
and to excel in life, you must discover this
gift, define it, develop it, and deploy it.
Your gift is your environment and I tell
you, if you leave it, you will just merely
exist instead of living live to the peak.
Remember this, if you work on your life
plan, you will make a fortune, but if you
work on other people’s plan, you will only
make a living (which is not enough).
The reason why most people are struggling
with life today is simply the absence of
purpose. When you know your purpose,
develop and deploy it, you have no reason
to be broke through out your life no matter
your background, with or without a
University degree or even a PhD. Those
people you celebrate everyday like:
PSquare (musician), 2Face Idibia
(musician), Bill Gates(Microsoft), Tiger
Woods(Golf player), Mark Zuckerberg
(facebook), and others, have taken time to
understand and discover what they are on
earth to do and are doing it excellently
today. I always say this “the only people
who have people’s attention are those who
are causing a distraction with their gift.” If
there must be an attraction, then there
must be a distraction. Do you think all of
these guys will earn the kind of money
they earn today if they had depended just
on their certificate? True success does not
come from certificate but from discovery
and deployment of purpose.
Today, I have had the privilege of training
government ministries, business leaders
and young people around the world and
have also been rewarded some good
currencies doing this. I have also
discovered my purpose and I now know
how beautiful life is. Yes! You may be wondering in your mind now, how can I discover my purpose and
how can I become all that God has called me to become? Ok! Another person may be thinking, I have discovered my purpose but how can I start building and deploying it? Well, that is another article for another day but I promise to help you out if you are willing to. And so, if you have questions on some of the things I just shared with
you, kindly email me at or call 08138122547 and I will take it up from
there. Here’s my final word for you No matter where you are now, you are smarter than
you think, more successful than you know and more excellent than you perceive.
Live purposefully,

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