By prince Wilson. 
The Law Of Use.
One principle that will help you achieve
more in the next 12 months is the law of
use. It is a very simple but powerful law. It
is so simple that you may not believe the
amazing results that will manifest in your
life when you apply it. I have seen the law

of use work for me and transform me into Greater achievements. It continually puts money in my pocket and
expands my financial possibilities. You too can apply this law in your life and watch your life change for the better. In Mathew 25:14-30, we read about the parable of talents. A man gave out talents
to his servants and went on a journey. One was given 5 talents, another 2 and another
1. The servant who received five talents traded with it and gained five more talents.
The one who received two talents did the same. The one with the one talent hid it in the ground, did nothing with it and gained nothing. When the man returned, he rewarded those who gained more talents and punished the one who refused to use his talents. There are a few lessons we can learn from this parable.
You have at least one talent in you We all have been blessed with unique abilities and gifts. These gifts are within
us. It is our responsibility to discover and
unleash the talents and abilities that we
have been blessed with. Unless you
discover what you possess, you will not
be able to make the best use of it. Some
people stand on the sidelines of life and
watch with envy those who have
discovered and unleashed their talents.
Jealousy is a waste of your time and
emotional energy. The truth is that the
talent you have is good enough to lift you
to world class status if you put it to use.
Look within you and discover the talents
you possess. The help you require to take
you to the next level in life is not out there
somewhere, it is lying latent within you.
Discover it and manifest your true destiny.
Your talent can be multiplied
Whatever talent you have can be
developed and multiplied through use. The
more you put your abilities to use, the
better you will become at using them. It
takes about 10,000 hours of use to become
a master at your calling. When you put
your talent to use, you will discover some
other talent that you never thought you
possessed. Talents keep manifesting in
our lives as we put what we have to use.
Even if all you have is one talent, as you
apply yourself, you will discover new and
amazing ways in which you can put that
one talent to use.
Your talent will enrich your life
If you really want to attract wealth into
your life, you should apply yourself in the
area of your talent and abilities. It is okay
to get a job but it is better to put your
talent to use. A job gives you a salary but a
talent gives you a destiny. A job ties you
down but your talent totally liberates you
to be all you can be. The wise have
learned to find work that employs their
talent. When you function in the area of
your talent and ability, you will perform
with excellence and that will attract money
into your life. It is simple to make money,
just stay in the area of your dominant gift
or talent. Many people struggle in jobs that
they hate because they have never really
considered the possibility that they can be
better at something else. If you feel
stagnated or stranded, you should
consider the possibility that you have not
been putting your talent to work. When you
put your talent to work, you will feel
empowered and unstoppable.
I will encourage you to write a list of all the
things you are good at. Rate them from 1
to 5. The talent which really brings out the
best in you emotionally and financially
should be at number 1 and the rest should
follow. That first talent is called your
Dominant gift by Dr Mike Murdock. This
talent is what will help you harness the use
of all the other talents you possess.
If you don’t use it, you lose it.
If you don’t use what you have, you will
lose it. You will not only lose the use of
that talent but you will also lose
opportunities, relationships, material and
financial wealth and a whole lot of other
possibilities that come with the use of your
talent. Have you ever heard someone say
this: ‘I used to …….. when I was younger,
now I don’t seem to find the time to ……..’
When you waste a talent, you waste a life
and you put your destiny at risk.
The fulfillment of your destiny is primarily
tied to the utilization of your talent and
ability. If you refuse to use what you have,
you will eventually lose it and remain at
the mercy of those who have mastered the
use of their talents and abilities. It is never
too late to begin to utilize what you have. It
is never too late to put your talent to work.
I have proved this principle in my life and I
have come to understand that you and I
are responsible for the life we live and the
destiny we embrace. You can rise up from
where you are in life and manifest a future
totally different from your past as you
begin to put the law of use to work in your

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