HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIGERIA. (the value of independence)

By Prince Wilson...
People have to have some
independence in order to
function in the world. Being
reliant on others for certain
things is alright, but there is
greater power in being able to
do things on your own without
worrying about whether there
are others there to pull us out. If
people, especially teenagers,
don't have a sense of
independence, they are likely to
struggle in the outside world.
Independence or a sense of
independence is important to
people simply because it

prevents them from struggling
in life. Learning to do most
things on our own gives us more
power and confidence to get the
job done, whatever the job may
I pray that fellow nigerians will oneday live to experience. Pls hope you are enjoying and celeberating well. Never forget to pray for nigeria. Godbless our NAIJA.

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