The whole essence of relationship is influence. Prov.13:20
Who you walk with will determine who you live like.
Who you look at determines who you look like.
Relationship inspires and motivates action.
Consciously or unconsciously we aspire to fall in line with and flow along with the relationship we keep.
Relationship sets standard for us to follow.
Therefore, mind the kind of relationship you keep.
Choose your relationship in line with your vision and goals for life.
Choose who to follow
Choose who to walk with
Mind where you stand, sit and walk because these will determine where you will end.


 Hello Unique Ones.
This is a story of Ronke Alao. It's Inspiring and thought provoking. Happy reading..
 It was my third year at the university. Life was good. I had great friends and was loving life as a young woman. What was there not to love? I was no longer the socially awkward, slightly timid g


Years ago, society used to place so much value on a woman who had high moral standards and respected her own body enough not to give in to any and every man who asks for sex.  There used to be a point in history, particularly in African culture, when a marriage could be legally dissolved if the groom could provide proof that he didn't meet his bride a virgin on their wedding night.  It's the 21st century and this practice has been done away with for the most part.  
In this present age where technology has pretty much taken over the world and sexual liberty seems to be the modern way of life,not many men still place a premium on a woman who is "untouched". Some do but it isn't as generally expected as it used to be. It is not unheard of for teenagers to make a game out of their sexuality, trying to outsmart one another by being the first to lose their virginity. Then of course, the one who is still a virgin at 18 can be made fun of. To avoid this, the "old virgin" tries to keep his or her "state" a secret. 
Contrary to what you might think, virgins are not frustrated about their sexuality, they are not frigid or sexually disabled.


Hello Unique Ones.
Today,  i will be sharing with us a very important and unique topic which i think has been neglected in recent times. Premarital Sex. Not everyone wants to talk about it. It's hardly even a word anymore. For some, they reason there is nothing to talk about. It's just part of normal life and there's nothing wrong with it so what's there to discuss? For yet another group of people, it's an uncomfortable topic and should be avoided. Then there are some who don't mind talking about it. In fact they condemn it and are quick to judge those who engage or have engaged in this behavior in the past. You may belong to anyone of the three groups described or not but one thing is for sure, the title caught your attention and you probably wanted to hear what someone had to say about it right? Perhaps the picture at the beginning of the page drew you in like a magnet and you had to read. It's okay. I can understand as I'm human too.

Let's talk sex before marriage.

That's what premarital sex means for the most part. I'm sure you didn't stop by to read mumbo-jumbo so I'll give it to you straight. This is not for everyone. It's for women who desire to have a long-term loving relationship with their spouse someday. Women who want a deep level of intimacy. Who desire to be loved and cherished.If this describes you, then get a glass of water or your favorite beverage, make yourself comfortable and let's talk.

What did you hear about Premarital Sex?


After watching the inauguration ceremony today, I realized that despite the challenges that this great country has gone through, it still stood the test of time. seeing the over 50 world leaders present to celebrate this great nation, it dawns on everyone that Nigeria is uniting the African continent once again. We were not broken, even when they thought we were. I can clearly believe that we are indeed a nation too tough for any kind of rough situation. I love Africa's No1, I love Nigeria. ‪#‎NewLeadership‬, ‪#‎NewDawn‬, ‪#‎GodBlessNigeria‬.
— celebrating Nigeria in Johannesburg, Gauteng.


11 Lies Guys tell Girls to have Sex

1. THE ‘TRUE LOVE’ APPROACH: ‘If you love me, you will let me.’
2.THE LOGICAL APPROACH: ‘I thought we are going to get married’
3.THE BIG SHOT APPROACH: ‘Girls are standing by in line to date me.You are a lucky person, you know’
4.THE SITUATIONAL APPROACH: ‘Everybody is doing it’. ‘Times have changed’
5.THE THREAT APPROACH: ‘If you don’t, I will date some else’
6.THE PROMISE, PROMISE APPROACH: ‘You will not get pregnant.Even if you do, I promise to care for you.We will get married’
7.THE GUILT APPROACH: ‘I am so tensed up I can’t stand it! You led me on. You can’t stop now. I have got to have it!”
8.THE FLATTERY APPROACH: ‘You have such a gorgeous body that I can hardly control myself!’
9.THE ABNORMAL APPROACH: ‘What is the matter with you?Are you frigid or something?’
10.THE SYMPATHY APPROACH: ‘Nobody but you understands me.Everybody is against me.All i need is you to help me, and everything will be ok’ or ‘You poor little girl. Nobody has loved you as I do. Let me show you real love, right now, at the back seat of this car’
11.THE INTELLECTUAL APPROACH: He is an excellent conversationalist who can wow you with phrases and ideas. Here the guy promotes heavy ‘think’ sessions regarding sex. He doesn’t ‘do’ anything at first – just get you in the habit of verbalizing sex.


1).Who you think you are is important. Like attracts like. Do you like who you are?

2). Who you want in a relationship is important and when you are willing to ask for it, you will be able to create it. But only ask for what you want when you are clear about what it is, until then, don’t go around demanding things you think you should have.

3). We get exactly what we focus on the problem or the solution. We make a choice between them with every decision we make.

4).Tell yourself the truth about what you want not what others (family, friends, spouse) say you should have.

5). Tell everyone else your truths about what you want, don’t be afraid to share your vision and dreams with those you love.

6). You are not defined by your relationships unless you choose to be. Consider what it says about you if you deed over your soul to one.

7). Interdependent (two depending people) relationships are the only ones that work, long term.

8). Truth is the first thing necessary to create trust in our relationships. Respect is earned from trust, and love is earned from respect. Intimacy is the gift we get when we risk telling the truth.

9). Fear of intimacy is fear of the truth. Your truth is better for you than someone else just get to know what it is, so you can finally own it and speak it.